Mum bundled me into the prisoner transport unit yesterday for a trip to the v-e-t. She said I was going to be fixed.
Well, pardon me, I didn't know I was broken!
What an ordeal! I now have this funny looking scratch on my tum tum and omg, what happened to my furry belly? There's even a bald spot on my front leg! I just don't have my usual get-up-and-go either.
The tower - my Christmas gift - is GONE! Where did it go? (Mum's note: Put it away in the garage for a few days on vet's orders)
Sophie and I have gotten some primo cuddling time thanks to all this though. Mum sez Sophie's next, whatever that means. I don't like the v-e-t. She loves me though! Sez I was an excellent patient and I am a beautiful little cat. I tried to make myself small and bury my head under Mum's arm when the v-e-t wanted to pet me. I hope I don't have to see the v-e-t again for a LONG time.
Purrs and head butts,